
Reclaimed extruded aluminium profiles, data, AI Natural Language Generator models, surface speaker, electronics, acrylic, synthesised voices from customer care services, motion sensor, resin
Two sculptures: 130 x 90 x 120 cm; 150 x 75 x 80 cm, Installation View Royal Society of Sculptors, London
The sculptures are inspired by empty billboards, and are realised with reclaimed extruded aluminium profiles, the type of which are normally used in temporary work spaces and factories. They use an AI model which captures a selection of keywords displayed by The Cost of Your Words, the sculpture positioned in the terrace, and weaves them together in a dialogue.

Click to hear an extract of the dialogue between the sculptures — Trackers Audio Documentation

Fake news are mixed with imaginary stories of escapism and holidays in imaginary countries. The dialogue is spoken by two synthesised female voices from customer care services; the sound comes out of surface transducer speakers, connected to the sculptures themselves. The transducer speakers are of the same type that is often adopted in point of sale communication across supermarkets, airports and malls.
Attached to the structure of the structures, they transform these into resonating speakers. A tiny motion sensor finally surveils the gallery space and plays the dialogue when the audience walks in and moves around the works.